On Nov. 25, the Beaver Food Pantry distributed food and toiletries to students who needed the items. Following COVID-19 protocols, students lined up their cars in two rows by the portable classrooms near Davies Hall. Each student had to wear a mask to receive their items. Volunteers helped hand out the food and toiletry bags to each car.
Following COVID-19 protocols, students lined up their cars in two rows by the portable classrooms near Davies Hall. Each student had to wear a mask to receive their items. Volunteers helped hand out the food and toiletry bags to each car.
The President of American River College, Thomas Greene, was at the distribution day helping out checking students and distributing food and toiletry bags. He commented on how important it is for the food pantry distribution: “I’m glad that we are here to do this. Just seeing this, the significant needs our students have.” “What’s amazing to me is how successful our students are when they contend with all the challenges, whether it’s food insecurity or housing insecurity,” Greene said.
Joshua Moon Johnson, Dean of Library and Learning Resources, was also a volunteer on Nov.25 for the Food Pantry distribution.
On Nov. 25, Volunteers help to distribute toiletries bags for student to each car.