ARC’s Current staff comes away with four awards at JACC conference

The staff received awards in general excellence, copyediting and features

Members of the American River College Current staff attended the Journalism Association of Community College conference in San Francisco, where Heather Amberson, former staff writer Gina Gangursky and the Current staff received awards. (Photo by Kaitlyn Riley)

The Current staff at American River College won four awards at the 2023 Journalism Association of Community College conference for its ability to cover stories and display journalism skills.

The conference was held March 9-11, at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero in San Francisco.

Members of the editorial staff and the Current advisor, Rachel Leibrock, attended the three-day conference.

The awards received by the Current staff were for the 2022 academic year.

The Current staff won the General Excellence Award and the editorial staff won first place for the editorial, “ARC needs to make improvements to the counseling experience.”

Individual awards were given out to the Current staff both past and present.

Gina Gangursky, a staff reporter from fall 2022, won honorable mention for her feature story, “Trainer Michelle Whitehead helps ARC athletes perform at their best.”

Heather Amberson, editor-in-chief, received an award for honorable mention for copyediting on the spot.

JACC gives new journalists in community college the ability to learn from experienced journalists.

At the conference students were able to listen to different speakers, attend workshops and even compete in contests.