Five assembly bills that will impact California community colleges
AB 245 and other assembly bills will have an impact on community colleges in California
Gov. Gavin Newsom signs an executive order about the advancements of automation in the workforce during International Workers’ Day at American River College on May 1, 2019. There has recently been a number of bills passed in 2021 that directly affect community colleges. (File Photo)
Many assembly bills are passed each year, but not all necessarily matter to college students, faculty or staff. Here is a list of five assembly bills that will have a big effect on community colleges in California. These bills affect students, staff and even classified employees.
AB 245
AB 245 requires all California Colleges (University of California, California State, and Community Colleges) to update former students’ records to reflect a legal name or gender change if the institution is shown government-issued documentation from the student that such change has taken place. The bill specifies that institutions will not charge any fees for correcting, updating, or reissuing scholarly documents on the basis of a legal name or gender change and that students will need nothing more than an identification card to show proof of the change. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 245 into law on Oct. 6.
AB 438
AB 438 requires permanent classified employees whose services are not required due to lack of funds or work to receive a notice or the opportunity for a hearing. It also requires at least 60 days’ notice before the layoff date if a classified position is eliminated. The bill would provide classified employees the same rights to notice and hearings of layoffs as certified employees of school districts. Gov. Gavin Newsom approved AB 438 on Oct. 8.
AB 928
AB 928 expresses the intent of the legislature to enact legislation related to a student-centered transfer process. The bill will also authorize community colleges to use funds appropriated on the Budget Act of 2021 or subsequent budget acts to support the continued implementation of the California Community College Guided Pathways Grant Program to implement the bill. Gov. Gavin Newsom approved AB 928 on Oct. 6.
AB 1111
AB 1111 requires California Community Colleges to adopt a common course numbering system for all general education and transfer pathways required courses by July 1, 2024. The common course numbering should be the same across all community colleges in California. The bill imposes a state-mandated local program. This bill was approved by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Oct. 6.
AB 928
AB 928 requires the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senate of the University of California, the California State University and the California Community Colleges to establish a singular lower-division general education pathway that meets academic requirements to transfer by May 31, 2023. The singular division education pathway is to be the only lower-division pathway used to determine eligibility, and won’t lengthen the time-to-degree or include more units than needed. AB 928 was approved by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Oct. 6.