The Associated Student Body Clubs and Events Board approved the allocation of $3534.41 to fund clubs that received incentive points during the 2014-15 academic year at their meeting Tuesday.
Incentive points are awarded to clubs at the beginning of each year to recognize clubs for their participation in CAEB events and meetings for the previous year.
“The (incentive) points come out of the CAEB budget at the end of the year,” said CAEB president Justin Nicholson. “We split up the remainder of our budget based on club participation and the clubs can then use their money as they see fit.”
Tuesday’s meeting began with a moment of silence for Roman Gonzalez, a Sacramento City College student who was killed there last week by an unknown gunman.
Sen. Laurie Jones created a banner for students to sign today to show their support for SCC.
“The whole thing is really tragic,” Jones said. “This banner is for (ARC) to show our support and send condolences to SCC.”
Jones also noted a comment about the SCC’s response to the shooting from a SCC student in a Sacramento Bee article.
“A student from SCC commented on the (Sacramento Bee) article that the response to the shooting from the school was very chaotic,” Jones said. “We’re moving to help improve the response to tragedy.”
CAEB voted in the meeting to endorse the universal transit pass (UTP) Measure A and encouraged students to vote yes.
With the Student Senate having endorsed the measure last week, both Associated Student Body boards have endorsed the transit pass.
In the early moments of the meeting, changes to many bus routes were highlighted by Associated Student Body adviser Juan Miguel Blanco.
“There are very significant changes to the bus routes,” said Blanco. “Half of the routes have changed and those (changes) will be online.”
There are five positions still vacant on CAEB. Nicholson mentioned that he has received several packets and hopes to be filling out the board’s “skeleton crew” soon.